Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Differnences in Tiger's Foley Swing v. Haney swing

For those who are curious on what the new Tiger swing is and the all these changes to his swing - new takeaway, hands closer to body, hands lower at address, more shoulder steepness, pivoting on his front side, pushing his hips vs rotating his hips, etc . . . All of this is true, BUT the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE in Tiger's swing now is his SPINE ANGLE at the top of his swing. If you pause his swing at the top, he is very centered over the ball with his head almost in front of the ball. His old swing, he had a nice tilt with his head BEHIND the ball. The differnce or what will this cause in striking the ball? - it causes a much more severe steep swing into the ball ALSO making it much more difficult to get the club back on the correct path to hit the ball square. . . The results when you swing with your head IN FRONT of the ball at the top of your backswing will be MANY more wild pulls / hooks, and chunky or fat divot shots... I heard in one practice round with FOLEY, Tiger hit two balls off the tee into the water on the left, THEN on his 3rd ball, he pushed it right... Without looking at his swing, I'd be willing to bet, Tiger's spine angle, being over the ball caused these mistakes... PLay around with your own swing and at the top PAUSE, and THEN PUSH YOUR HEAD forward so it is in front of the ball, and see how hard it is to swing down on the correct path... You should see a differnce...

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